
CCSDP Marketplace

What is the CCSDP Vendor Marketplace?

First, what is CCSDP?

The Compliance and Capacity Support for Diverse Partnerships is a global mechanism for USAID to ensure to new, non-traditional, and local partners and governments have the capabilities and resources to serve as prime partners for USAID. CCSDP is also a resource to ensure USAID Missions and Operating Units are better equipped to work with more local and diverse partners.

Anytime USAID funds an organization directly that organization needs specialized services to meet their award requirements, particularly if it is their first award. This will include specialized finance, accounting, and audit services, HR, governance, and communications services, and more.

Keylime is a prime holder of CCSDP and our approach is to use local and regional vendors as much as possible, particularly for services that will be in demand by local prime implementors in perpetuity. Our goal is to link up local organizations with high quality service providers in their country or the region. In some cases we will train the vendors or provide an international mentor firm if there isn’t existing capacity in the local market. For example, we can coach a consulting form on how to write personnel policies that are aligned with USAID requirements.

Now, what exactly is the CCSDP Marketplace?

The CCSDP Marketplace an online platform we will use to source service providers from different countries. When USAID asks us to support local organizations we will collaborate with local partners to identify their needs, and then we will procure these services from the CCSDP Marketplace Vendors. Local partners will also be able to log into the marketplace directly to browse and select vendors.

Who should register?

Organizations that provide services in any of the above areas should register. We are interested in organizations that have experience providing these services to the international development or global aid sector, particularly USAID. We are looking for a diverse pool of:

  • Law firms
  • Management Consulting firms
  • HR firms
  • Accounting Firms
  • Communications Firms
  • IT Firms
  • Translation Firms

What happens when we register?

  1. Register by clicking on the link and providing basic information about your firm. This should take less than 10 minutes.
  2. 🗓️
    The next round for registration is closing on June 5, 2024
  3. We may reach out to you for additional information within 1 week of registration.
  4. CCSDP does not have any active projects right now, but we do expect new projects to start by summer 2024.
  5. Once CCSDP projects start and focus countries are selected we will do a formal onboarding and orientation for registered Marketplace vendors.
  6. When a service need is identified we will send you a scope of work describing the services required, time frame, and deliverables. We will ask you to respond with information to help our selection process which may include a price quote.

Frequently Asked questions

I registered as a vendor on Keylime’s Marketplace for another project—should I register again?
Keylime’s global marketplace is integrated and connected. That means you only need to register once. If you register for the GHRC marketplace, you’ll be automatically included in the CCSDP marketplace.
Will I receive purchase orders or a contract of some sort?
Every time we require services we will engage vendors based on the needs of that scope. In some cases, we may issue a blanket purchase agreement that is broad and covers a long time frame. In other cases we may issue a purchase order for a small, immediate delivery of services.
What are the benefits of registering as a vendor?
You will be included in our market research every time we need a vendor, and you’ll be eligible to receive contracts. You’ll also be invited to industry events like webinars and information sessions about how to work with us.

Got more questions?

There’s a space in the registration process for you to ask us questions. Please send us your questions.